Madaer Consulting Corp.
Who are we?
Madaer Consulting Corp. is a management consulting firm in Canada. We help organizations to improve their performance.
Organizations draw upon the services of management consultants for several reasons, including gaining external advice and access to the consultants’ specialized expertise. As a result of the exposure to and relationships with numerous organizations, management consultants are aware of industry “best practices.”
We also provide organizational change management assistance, business remodeling and expansion, process analysis, technology implementation, strategy development, and operational improvement services.
Madaer Consulting Corp. brings customized methodologies and frameworks to guide the identification of problems and to serve as the basis for recommendations for improved commercial outcomes.
Our Services
Business expansion consultancy to the Latin American businesses to;
❏ Expand their services to the Canadian Markets
❏ Support Canadian business to increase their reach to the Latin American markets
Micro and macro competitive strategy
Enterprise resource planning (ERP),
❏ Product planning,
❏ Cost and development,
❏ Manufacturing or service delivery,
❏ Marketing and sales,
❏ Inventory management,
❏ Shipping, and payment
❏ Foresighting – strategy formation driven by level of uncertainty, using options and gaming theory to
explore possible shifts and changes, contingency planning to anticipate consequences
Developing marketing strategies to capture new markets
Due diligence and market prospecting
Facilitating strategic partnerships
Creating new channels in overseas markets
Business Remodelling
Corporate structural architecture
Decentralized control systems
Change management and implementation
Innovation Management (technologies, management processes, delivery systems, business models)
Madaer Consulting Corp. also provides consultation to the Public Sector of the Developing Countries on policy matters in regards to; ❏ Performance Improvement ❏ Economic Sustainability ❏ Public-Private Partnerships ❏ Crisis Management
Our Address
33430 Bourquin Pl
Abbotsford BC,
V2S 6V8 Canada
(236) 887 8370
Victor Daniel Escalante Carrillo